What is Macro Photography?
Macro Photography is the art of taking close-up photos. It's a great way of seeing the small details that often go unnoticed at first glance. I use a special lens which allows me to get in really close so I can create images that are greater than life size.
Where do you shoot most of your images?
The great thing about Macro Photography is that you can shoot anywhere. You don't even need a National Park! For the last year-and-a-half or so, with "things" as they have been, I've done a lot of studio work laying out large flower arrangements to shoot or setting up some close-up shots of various interesting subjects. I'm also starting to get back out in the field, looking for botanic gardens and woodlands to explore. Check back on my site often . . . you never know when I'll have Great New Images! |
Chris teaches his models how to take pictures and pose.
Artist Bio
Having grown up as an “Outdoor Kid”, playing in the fields and hills around my home, I developed a love of Nature which still inspires me today; particularly in exploring the close-up views. I seek out unusual compositions, intricate textures, repeating patterns, and visual rhythms in the imagery I create.
Artist Statement
With my photography, I explore the infinite occurrences of Nature’s minutia. I find these are the fascinating fundamental elements that integrate into our cohesive, synergistic — and essential — ecosystem.
Recently, I’ve taken a new path by creating a series called “MindScapes”, taking the viewer’s mind and senses on a Nature Journey from inside my studio. In these images I “grow” my own Nature Scenes by combining flowers, leaves, bark, and other natural components into a uniquely conceived view of Nature. Much of what I use comes directly from my own yard and garden.
In my artistic presentation I go beyond simply taking a photograph and printing it. I sublimate my images onto various sized aluminum panel components and combine these into Photographic Wall Sculptures. I’m excited to share these with you.
Recently, I’ve taken a new path by creating a series called “MindScapes”, taking the viewer’s mind and senses on a Nature Journey from inside my studio. In these images I “grow” my own Nature Scenes by combining flowers, leaves, bark, and other natural components into a uniquely conceived view of Nature. Much of what I use comes directly from my own yard and garden.
In my artistic presentation I go beyond simply taking a photograph and printing it. I sublimate my images onto various sized aluminum panel components and combine these into Photographic Wall Sculptures. I’m excited to share these with you.
All images, text, titles, rights, and content on this site are owned in full by Chris Fedderson and may not be used, altered, or copied in any way without prior written permission. (c) 2013 to present